Trend Tracker

394 results

Industrial machinery, equipment and tools tops 2011 inward FDI sector tables in Brazil

For eight years, software and IT services has been the most popular sector for inward FDI in Brazil. ...

Toyota leads the way as auto-makers increase the number of FDI projects in 2011

The automotive sector has seen an increased number of investments in  2011 compared to 2010, with...

Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific dominate FDI into Africa in 2011

Western European companies have historically been the most prolific investors in Africa. But although...

Bucharest top financial services destination for eurozone investors

Eurozone investors in the financial services sector have favoured  investment in the Romanian capital...

China closes gap on the US for German FDI

China has seen increased investment from Germany-based companies, and  now stands second to only...


Software and IT sector enjoys global success in 2011

There has been a global surge in the number of FDI projects in the  software and IT sector. Investment...

Latin America and the Caribbean show preference for Florida

Florida is the leading US state for FDI projects from Latin America and the Caribbean.

United Arab Emirates most popular destination in Middle East for US FDI

The United Arab Emirates is leaving other Middle Eastern countries behind as it attracts a significant...

Argentina, Brazil and Mexico increase their appeal to automobile industry

Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are all enjoying increasing levels of FDI, especially in the automotive ...

Software and IT FDI projects in Canada boost job creation

Since 2003, software and IT FDI projects into Canada have created nearly 30,000 new jobs.
